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Random the Cathog

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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем Random the Cathog


    У лукоморья сканф весёлый;

    Златой канал на сканфе том:
    И днём и ночью Кит учёный
    Всё ходит по сети кругом;
    Идёт направо - хитропланит,
    Налево - срач предотвратит.
    Там чудеса: там хакал Компер,
    Квал Колбис на ветвях си... спит;
    Там на неведомых разделах
    Следы невиданных нубов;
    Фанфикшн там на костылях
    Стоит без фиков, без вестей;
    Там о вики видений полны;
    На форуме прихлынут волны
    Во флуд песчаный и пустой,
    И тридцать флудеров прекрасных
    Чредой из вод выходят ясных,
    И с ними Спидя их дурной;
    Там Роботоник мимоходом
    Кроссоверит всех как всегда;
    Там в облаках перед каналом
    Через леса, через моря
    Мев Нейв несёт банхаммер, пля...;
    В темнице там Каома тужит,
    А уайо ей верно служит;
    Там Алекс со своей игрой
    Идёт в ГМ, само собой,
    Там царь Салем над ирцом чахнет;
    Там сканфа дух... там сканфом пахнет!
    И там я был, и админское оливье я пил;
    У моря видел сканф зелёный;
    Под ним сидел, и Кит ученый
    Мне линукс ставить говорил.
    by me



    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


  2. When Can See You Again





    What cause have I to feel glad?
    I've built my life on judgement and causing pain.
    I don't know those eyes I see in the bloodstained chrome.
    Now everything that I've had
    and everything I've known have been thrown away.
    And with time I've come to find this isn't my home.

    I've stroked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.
    The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.
    Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,
    now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.
    I try my best to block out the screams,
    but they're haunting me in my dreams.
    Please break my shackles,
    I want it to stop.

    I man these wretched machines.
    Day in, day out, the grinding wears on my brain.
    Undermining my sanity, making me question my reality.

    But life is not as it seems.
    Should I take a chance of freedom and throw it all down the drain?
    I've been imprisoned, please burn my transgressions away.

    I've stroked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.
    The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.
    Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,
    now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.
    I try my best to block out the screams,
    but they're haunting me in my dreams.
    Please break my shackles,
    I want it to stop.

    I've stroked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.
    The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.
    Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,
    now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.

    I'm sick of hurting, sick of thinking it's all I do.
    I break those around me, those spared are very few.
    But the bright sun is burning, and my sky shines ever blue.
    Friendships surround me, I'm becoming a part of you.
    I try my best to block out the screams,
    but they're haunting me in my dreams.
    Please break my shackles,
    I want it to stop.


  3. sonic-generations-_590x395.jpg



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