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Metal Sonic !

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О Metal Sonic !

  • Звание
    Постоянный посетитель
  • День рождения 09.06.1998


  • Пол Мужчина
  • Город Космическая колония Арк ака Донецк


  • Skype n484251
  • Steam n484251
  • YouTube n484251
  • DeviantArt MetalSonic5

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Обновление статуса

Все обновления Metal Sonic !

  1. Orgia mode... Атлус, вы вообще учили русский и знаете что это значит?

    1. NeKit


      Если это написано на английском, то ответ, думаю, очевиден.

    2. Metal Sonic !

      Metal Sonic !

      In ancient Greek religion, an orgion (ὄργιον, more commonly in the plural orgia) was an ecstatic form of worship characteristic of some mystery cults. The orgion is in particular a cult ceremony of Dionysos (or Zagreus), celebrated widely in Arcadia, featuring "unrestrained" masked dances by torchlight and animal sacrifice by means of random slashing that evoked the god's own rending and suffering at the hands of the Titans. The orgia that explained the role of the Titans in Dionysos's dismemberment were said to have been composed by Onomacritus. Greek art and literature, as well as some patristic texts, indicate that the orgia involved snake handling.

    3. Metal Sonic !

      Metal Sonic !

      Смысл имеет, но если будем честными, КТО ЭТО ЗНАЕТ?
